How We Automate Client Success For Our Gym

Building a Better Gym Experience: The Power of Automation in Personalised Client Support

  1. Set up a Notion board

  2. Create a Traffic Light form

  3. Connect to Notion using Zapier

  4. Add extra measures

  5. Automate client testimonials


We discovered a cool way keep clients happy. And it’s all based on a traffic light system.🚦

In a nutshell, clients have to rate their week as Red, Amber or Green.

Red = I'm in a crisis

Amber = I'm not 100%

Green = I'm loving life!

This is a common tracking method—something we first learned from our mentor, Taki Moore.

But then we got on a call with studio owner Grace Boyd and realised she’s following a similar process for her gym.

Here's how we do it for our own clients:

Step 1 - Set Up A Notion Board

We wanted a dedicated area to track client success in one place.

Notion makes it simple to whip up a quick Kanban Board. We split it into Red, Amber and Green columns.

You could also use Trello or Asana. Choose something you're used to using.

Step 2 - Create a Traffic Light Form

For a long time, we were rating members' morale ourselves based on our intuition.

But then we thought, f*ck it. Clients are better positioned to review their own experience.

So we handed the power over to them to "rate their week". Every Saturday, they choose the colour that best reflects their experience.

We set up the form using Paperform. (aff link)

(Feel free to use this template).

💡 Top Tip: This is where a lot of gym owners and PTs get it wrong. A lot of check-in forms are looooong. Clients don't want to sit at the end of the week, filling in an essay. Make it easy and frictionless for them.

Step 3 - Connect to Notion Board

This is the cool bit.

We used Zapier to automate the form submissions to correspond with the name in our Notion board.

So whenever Suzy rates her week using the form, it moves her to the relevant column (as if by magic).

If you're not used to Zapier, we recommend watching some tutorials. It can save you a lot of time in the long-run.

Step 4 - Add Extra Measures

So now we have the automation, we needed a protocol in place for dealing with member's concerns.

Whenever someone rates themselves as "Red", we triggered an email sent to us with an alert.

This meant we can immediately put it right and schedule a call/catch up.

But whenever someone is "Green", we offered an opportunity to share some positive feedback...

Step 5 - Automate Your Testimonials

Our Traffic Light system allowed us to automate and bank testimonials.

Usually if a client is loving their experience, they want to add feedback.

So we thought it'd be a no-brainer to collect their nice words in another Notion database.

Now, whenever we want to post some social proof, we have hundreds of comments to choose from.

Last Word…

Client success is the cornerstone of any gym or PT business.

If you're not tracking morale or showing up for your members, it can lead to a whole lot of churn.

Instead of seeing fulfilment as a byproduct, put systems in place to make it remarkable.

"We see our customers as invited guests to a party, and we are the hosts. It's our job every day to make every important aspect of the customer experience a little bit better"

Jeff Bezos.

That’s it from us.

— Cardy Brothers

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