How You Can Open a Fitness Studio for Under £10k

Discover the Blueprint We'd Follow to Open a Fitness Studio for Under £10k...

  1. Find a local location (500-1000 sq ft)

  2. Sign the lease

  3. Plan a 3 month launch campaign

  4. Move current clients

  5. Cash flow your build out

  6. Buy second-hand equipment

  7. Pre-sell new members

  8. Launch with a party!


So many personal trainers think owning their own gym is out of reach.

We spent over £40k on our recent studio but you really don’t have to.

Here is what we would do to open a studio without a big budget…

Step 1 - Stay Local

If you’re a popular personal trainer in your hometown, you’ll probably be popular gym owner in your hometown.

Why? Because you know the area like the back of your hand. Plus people know who you are so you don’t have to work hard to build trust in the market.

We recommend also putting out feelers in your community to get a signal of demand. But like I say, if you have a big client base already—you should be able to move these guys across to your own facility without much hassle.

Step 2 - Sign a Lease

Once you’re confident there is demand for your studio, start your search for a 900-1,500 square foot facility.

Find an office block or industrial estate area as it’s cheaper. Or even better, partner with an existing private facility if you’re really strapped for cash.

If you market it well, the physical location shouldn’t impact the client experience. People will still come if you’re good.

Just make sure the lease is fair and it’s big enough for a semi-private model.

💡 Top Tip: Try to negotiate a lease holiday at the beginning of your contract with your landlord to allow you to get the studio ready. Most will be happy to do this and it means you can get a headstart on your rent.

Step 3 - Plan a 3 Month Launch Campaign

Now the lease is signed, you have to allow some time to build up hype.

It’s the best time to sign up members before you open because you’re not stuck in fulfilment and you don’t have any big overheads yet. You can follow our entire launch process below…

Step 4 - Move Current Clients

Remember I said your current clients will follow you?

You now have a facility where you can move them to, allowing you to pull away from the rent you pay your current gym. Win, win.

Ideally, you wanna switch existing clients to off-peak times or ask them to pair up with someone else. Remember, you’re gonna need peak times when you launch group sessions in 3 months.

Step 5 - Cash Flow Your Build Out

By this point, you should have got rid of the rent you pay your current gym. So everything you make from your clients is pure profit.

Use this extra bit of cash to invest in the look of your studio as well as running any paid ads if necessary. This should tide you over nicely until launch day.

Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Your current clients won’t care if they’re working out in an unfinished facility.

If anything, they’ll be pumped to see the progress each week. Don’t be fancy.

Step 6 - Buy Second-Hand Equipment

This brings me on nicely to the next step.

Where you can, buy second-hand equipment. You don’t need brand new stuff.

You’ll be broke before the studio opens and probably in a lot of debt paying off the fancy equipment you told yourself you needed (that no clients got to experience).

Members sign up for one reason and one reason only: to look and feel good.

As long as it’s safe, a squat rack from 2018 will do the same job as something fresh out the factory.

Step 7 - Pre-Sell Like Your Life Depended On It

Now the fun bit.

Don’t make the mistake so many gym owners make and wait until you’re open before you start making money.

You have a small window of opportunity to capitalise on the buzz that comes with launching a local business. Don’t waste it.

Schedule as many sales appointments in this time as you can. Present your offer and collect cash to redistribute into acquiring more new members.

We sold out all our spots before we opened our doors. Without pre-selling, we’d be a month behind and likely struggling to meet our initial costs.

You only get one chance to launch. Don’t f*ck it up.

Step 8 - Open With a Party!

After 3 months of hard work, it’s time to reward yourself and your new members.

Throw a launch party and partner with local businesses to make it amazing.

This is another excuse for your community to come together is a great way to officially kick off your exciting new studio.

Last Word…

We opened our studio at capacity for group sessions and will possibly add a 1:1 component later.

With this strategy, you are doing it the other way around.

If you buy second hand equipment and do a lot of the cosmetic work yourself, plus call in a few favours—you don’t have to wait.

You can do it now.

That’s it from us.

— Cardy Brothers

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