Why Our Facebook Ads Never Fatigue

The Science Behind Our Evergreen Facebook Advertising Strategy

Estimated read time: 2 minutes 20 seconds.

Dear Fitpreneurs,

Does this sound familiar…

You set up an ad campaign on Facebook for your local gym. You hit publish and the leads start flooding in.

But after a few days, you check again and… no leads.

Not even a nibble.

This is usually down to one thing: Ad Fatigue.

To put it simply...

Facebook served your ad in-front of the same people many times and now it’s not getting the same results.

Here’s our trick for avoiding ad fatigue and having a consistent flow of leads:


The Best Way to Order Merchandise For Your Gym

We share our unique system to sell merchandise in our gym.

From choosing the right items to systematising the merch process, we cover everything you need to know to make merchandise a valuable part of your gym's offering.

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • How to select merchandise that your members will actually want to wear.

  • Setting up a simple yet effective system for merchandise management.

  • The impact of high-quality merchandise on gym branding.

  • Member engagement and feedback on merchandise offerings.

  • Preview of upcoming merch we’re planning!

#1 - Ad Campaign Structure

For Facebook to do it’s job well, I get it to do the work for me.

That’s why I always set up a campaign with “Advantage+ Campaign Budget” switched on.

This tells Facebook to spend the daily budget however it sees fit.

For this reason, it’ll only spend money on the ads that it wants users to see.

You no longer need to guess what ads will work.

Instead, you let a platform with trillions of data-points do that for you. Sounds like a decent trade off.

#2 - Broad Audience

Once I’ve set up the campaign, I’ll create 1 broad audience in an ad set constrained by 3 things:

  1. Age

  2. Gender

  3. Location

I don’t set any interests or anything like that. A local market by definition is already narrow enough to get good results.

Quick question: What describes you best?

(We want to make sure we're creating the best content for you)

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#3 - Dynamic Creatives

This is our secret weapon.

All our ads are “Dynamic Creatives”. This is a toggle you can switch on in Ad Manager that lets you build a combination of creatives.

For example, we always have 3 images, 2 primary texts and 2 headlines to throw in the mix.

Facebook then determines what works best based on what audience is responding.

Here’s the true beauty of dynamic creatives though:

When one combination starts to fatigue, it will swap in a new combination.

This is why we never spend loads of time refreshing ads ourselves.

This was a Dynamic Creative test where we tested the hook on an already high-performing video.

#4 - Iterate Weekly

Using dynamic creatives also allows you to see winning combinations.

It’s then up to you to use these winners to create competing ads using the same variables.

For example, you could switch up the winning image with 2 other similar images.

This eliminates all guess-work as you're only testing against what's working.

We iterate winning ads on a weekly basis and teach our coaching clients to do the same.

Once we found the winning hook, we then tested it against new ad creative.

#5 - Track Results

All this would be pointless if your results were sh*t.

So every day, we track our key metrics in a spreadsheet.

We can see our CPA (cost per acquisition) for any given month and make sure the ads are performing well.

If ever our CPA goes red, we decrease daily ad spend. If it’s green, we increase daily ad spend.

This means we can scale fast without wasting money.

Final Words…

There is no magic bullet when it comes to running Facebook ads.

Since ads only amplify your business, it’s important you get the foundations nailed first.

But when you set up your campaigns to work for you and not against you, acquisition becomes a piece of cake.

That’s it from us. Reply any time…

Cardy Brothers


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