Top 5 Ad Creative Ideas to Attract New Gym Members

Level Up Your Studio Marketing: 5 Ad Ideas to Attract New Faces

Estimated read time: 1 minute 25 seconds.

Dear Fitpreneurs,

Making ad creative for your gym can feel tedious.

After all, if we wanted to be graphic designers, we'd have the degree by now.

Luckily, there's a newsletter out there that can help.

(Hint: We're the newsletter)

Here's our best performing ad creatives with templates you can steal:

#1 - "We Want You"

There's a reason they used this ad to recruit soldiers in the war.

Now imagine you're scrolling Facebook and you see this come up for a gym.

You're gonna click. And you're probably gonna sign up.

#2 - The Testimonial

With a gazillion ads on the timeline each day, people need to trust you enough to click.

That's where a strong testimonial can work wonders.

Find your best testimonial and combine it with a photo of your client.

#3 - The Public Sign

Context bias is a real thing.

If people relate your business to something costly, they'll believe it’s more valuable.

That's why loads of brands use this bus stop / billboard style ad.

Tip: Venture into your local town and take a real photo of a billboard. You can then use Canva to layer your image on-top. That way, you don't have to shell out thousands on a real print ad.

#4 - The Text CTA

Cut through the noise with a straight-to-the-point text ad.

If you're tired of fluff and want to convert people into members now, this concept might work.

Bear in mind though, your lead cost might be higher but you’ll attract someone who’s willing to take action now.

#5 - The Gym Selfie

I'll let you in on a secret: if you have an organic post that does well, it'll likely do well as a paid ad.

Selfies have been around since 2011. They almost guarantee engagement off the bat.

Stand outside your gym, pull a happy / shocked face and let Meta work its magic.

You're welcome.

Final Words…

It's important to remember, even with a winning ad, your sales process needs to be slick.

We wouldn't run any ads until you have a proven system to attract and convert new clients.

Once you're happy, ramp it up with ads. Be creative and test, test, test.

That’s it from us. Reply any time…

Cardy Brothers


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