Build an Appointment Funnel For Your Gym

Increase Memberships with an Effective Appointment Strategy

Estimated read time: 1 minutes 44 seconds.

Dear Fitpreneurs,

Opening your own fitness studio is a big step.

But without a simple system for booking appointments, it's tough to succeed.

A lot of studio owners have messy sales pipelines and wonder why they deal with no-shows.

But if you avoid this, you can turn your studio into a smooth-running machine.

Here’s how you can ensure more people to schedule, show up, and convert into paying clients:


How We’ve Turned Our Gym into a Loyal Community

In this episode, we talk about building a successful gym community. Any why it’s not just about the workouts, nutrition, or even the coaching.

We dive into what a community really means and how it can make magical things happen for your gym. We also share tips on how you can build and maintain a great community in your own gym without spending lots of time.

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • Why it’s important to build a community of members.

  • What makes a successful community (and what doesn’t).

  • Real-life examples of community building within the gym.

  • Different ways to foster a gym community without spending a lot of time.

  • The hidden impacts of a strong community of gym members.

#1 - Organise Your Calendar

First, you need to set up and organise your booking calendar.

No more "fitting stuff in when you have a gap".

Block out specific times for appointments during the week.

This keeps you accountable to filling the time and makes it easy for clients to schedule.

We use GoHighLevel for our entire Appointment Funnel.

But you can use anything that syncs up with your calendar.

#2 - Automate Your Appointments

You don't want any leads falling through the cracks.

This is where automation comes in.

Set up appointment reminders and follow-ups with every single person booked.

This helps reduce no-shows and keeps clients engaged.

We have the following sequences working for us in the background:

  • Appointment Confirmation & Reminders

  • Appointment Reschedule

  • Appointment Cancellation

Our advice is to expect your prospects to not show up.

That's why we send daily email/text reminders and even call them on the morning of their appointment.

This is one of the workflows we use to boost our show-up rates.

#3 - Build a FAQ Page

The thank-you page after booking an appointment is prime real estate.

So we fill it with FAQ videos and handle all the common objections prospects might have.

This warms them up, makes them feel informed and ready to buy.

The objections we cover are:

  1. It's Too Expensive

  2. I Need Results Now

  3. It's Not The Right Time

  4. I Prefer 1:1 Personal Training

  5. I’ve Had Bad Experiences with Personal Trainers

We dress these up as questions so it doesn't come across too "salesy".

#4 - Create "Fill The Gap" Content

There's a lot of time that passes between appointment booked and appointment taken.

That's why it's crucial to fill the gap with content that converts.

In other words, let your organic posts do the selling for you.

Share success stories, testimonials and highlight the reasons your gym is the best.

This builds trust and keeps potential clients interested.

Final Words…

Converting more appointments to paying members is vital for your studio's success.

By building a well-oiled Appointment Funnel, you'll see more people show up and sign up.

(Plus it's pretty cool to see that "🔔" emoji hit your inbox every day for a new booking).

That’s it from us. Reply any time…

Cardy Brothers


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